Jabodetabek Satu Kawasan Metropolitan

 webmaster  February 22, 2018  News Feed

Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi tidak bisa lagi dipisahkan. Kawasan ini sudah menjadi area metropolitan dengan masalah dan tantangan yang sama. Pendekatan pengelolaan kolaborasi didorong diwujudkan. JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Kawasan yang berbatasan langsung dengan Jakarta kini telah berkembang menjadi kota-kota tersendiri dengan segala kerumitan dan masalah yang sama gentingnya dengan yang dihadapi Ibu Kota. …

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Proyek Infrastruktur Harus Bermanfaat Bagi Pengembangan Hunian Terjangkau

 webmaster  February 20, 2018  Events

Percepatan proyek infrastruktur strategis bertujuan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan meningkatkan konektivitas antar wilayah. Pemerintah mengeluarkan kerangka kebijakan untuk mendukung percepatan proyek infrastruktur strategis. Komitmen pendanaan untuk infrastruktur yang berasal dari APBN juga meningkat tajam dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Pemerintah pun telah menugaskan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) sebagai pelaksana proyek infrastruktur dan properti. Beberapa proyek …

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A Framework for the Analysis of Urban Sustainability

 webmaster  September 9, 2017  Publication

The URDI Paper Series on “A Framework for the Analysis of Urban Sustainability” was written by Wicaksono Sarosa. It is basically an attempt to provide one possible framework in evaluating the environmental sustainability – or provide one possible framework for such an analysis. The result of this analysis can then be used as considerations in …

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Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study from Cirebon, Indonesia

 webmaster  November 4, 2016  Publication

Climate change is not only affecting geophysical systems through events such as floods, droughts, and sea level rise, but also human systems, including livelihoods, health, economies, and cultures. In Indonesia, climate change greatly affects many aspects of the economy, society, and environment.

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The Monograph Series No. 4: Urbanization in Indonesia

 webmaster    Publication

The monograph on “Urbanization in Indonesia” is the fourth in the series and was written by Prof. Gavin W. Jones and Mr. Wahyu Mulyana. It makes extensive use of data from the 2010 Population Census and other authoritative official statistics in order to provide policy makers, academicians, and practitioners with the most up-to-date information about …

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Infrastructure Immersion Program

 webmaster  February 25, 2016  Training & Capacity Building

Infrastructure Immersion Program is the third training program that was conducted by URDI in collaboration with AIC (Asia Infrastructure Corporation). The participants of this program came from Hitachi Group, Japan, with various education and professional background. Basically, the program aims to make Japanese companies able to serve well the infrastructure development needs in Asian countries …

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Bunga Rampai “Indonesian City Development: From Planning to the Implementation of Urban Development in Indonesia”

 webmaster  December 1, 2015  Publication

Commemorating URDI’s 20th anniversary, Urban and Regional Development Institute and Sugijanto Soegijoko Foundation have expressed the idea related to the concept and approach in handling urban problem in Indonesia, by publishing the book of Bunga Rampai “Indonesian City Development: From Planning to the Implementation of Urban Development in Indonesia”.

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URDI’S 20th Anniversary and The Launching of Bunga Rampai (4th Book)

 webmaster  November 24, 2015  Publication

URDI (Urban and Regional Development Institute) celebrated its 20th anniversary and launched the fourth book of Bunga Rampai titled “Pembangunan Kota Indonesia : Dari Perencanaan ke Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Perkotaan di Indonesia” (Indonesian City Development: From Planning to the Implementation of Urban Development in Indonesia) on 17th November 2015. The event was held in D Tree-Hilton …

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Cooperation amongst GGGI, the Government of Indonesia and URDI in Green Growth Program

 webmaster  November 12, 2015  Research & Policy Analysis

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is working with the Government of Indonesia  and URDI to address the challenge of the rapid economic growth and greater future socio-economic potential in order to achieve green growth simultaneously such as poverty reduction, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and resource efficiency. The high-level green growth roadmap developed in collaboration …

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Executive Summary of URDI Research Activities

 webmaster  July 29, 2015  Publication

The Executive Summary is a brief description of research activities done by URDI. Between 2011 and 2014, URDI has published five executive summaries, those are:

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