The monograph on “Urbanization in Indonesia” is the fourth in the series and was written by Prof. Gavin W. Jones and Mr. Wahyu Mulyana. It makes extensive use of data from the 2010 Population Census and other authoritative official statistics in order to provide policy makers, academicians, and practitioners with the most up-to-date information about …
Commemorating URDI’s 20th anniversary, Urban and Regional Development Institute and Sugijanto Soegijoko Foundation have expressed the idea related to the concept and approach in handling urban problem in Indonesia, by publishing the book of Bunga Rampai “Indonesian City Development: From Planning to the Implementation of Urban Development in Indonesia”.
URDI (Urban and Regional Development Institute) celebrated its 20th anniversary and launched the fourth book of Bunga Rampai titled “Pembangunan Kota Indonesia : Dari Perencanaan ke Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Perkotaan di Indonesia” (Indonesian City Development: From Planning to the Implementation of Urban Development in Indonesia) on 17th November 2015. The event was held in D Tree-Hilton …
The Executive Summary is a brief description of research activities done by URDI. Between 2011 and 2014, URDI has published five executive summaries, those are:
Bunga Rampai Pembangunan Kota dalam Abad 21 2nd edition was revised edition from Bunga Rampai Pembangunan Kota dalam Abad 21 (Book 1 and Book 2) published in 2005. The book has revised and advanced the concept and approach of urban development that have been changes in the last few years. However, local experience was not …
As the impacts of climate change become more pronounced, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive, well-informed response that enhances adaptive capacity among vulnerable communities.
Buku tentang “Keberlanjutan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan” merupakan rangkaian tulisan (prosiding) dari hasil seminar nasional dengan judul yang sama yang diselenggarakan di Yogyakarta, 25-26 Juli 2008.